Friday, September 4, 2009

The Top 10 . . .

. . . Moments of my week.

In not much of a particular order and including the very good, the ugly, the unbelievable but true, and the Oh SO Honduras:

10. Cashing my first pay-check: 2,176 Lempiras! I'm rich! (translation: Literally living on rice and beans . . . and the occasional Salva Vida, the cheap Honduran beer, but only when I really need it, I swear)

9. Sweating through an hour-long meeting with the Honduran school staff debating what we should wear for our Independence Day parade to Talanga. Really, do we want white polo shirts or white dress shirts? Do we want black dress shoes, or black tennis shoes, or is black just too much? Ay yi yi.

8. Waking up this morning to a cold shower and realizing the water was the color of a day-old latte

7. Letting myself scratch my mosquito bites for 3 minutes. Oh please, just one more minute . . . ok, just one more . . .

6. Being asked by one of my worst studetns to help her study for the test, and then having her full attention

5. Leading a spontaneous discussion with 12 year olds about racism, WWII, Hitler, and of course Michael Jackson

4. Squashing an enormous cockroach with my flip-flop before it could reach my bed

3. Luis Fernando's cross-eyed, crooked smile after I congratulated him on scoring a 45 out of 50 on his English test. He is a student in my specials class.

2. Realizing I was being followed by a hefty brown steer while running on the trail. I never knew I could be so agile.

1. Hearing one of my students trying to impress a younger senorita with the cool English phrases he learned in my class. With the right Honduran accent, "What's your favorite food?" suddenly becomes a killer pick-up line. Only on the Ranch.

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